How to play chess for beginners : 12 basic rules and moves

Chess is a very interesting game that can be played and learned very easily. If you play chess, then it helps us to think about our future ideas and also makes intelligent. It is always perfect for all ages i.e., age cannot be a hindrance to play chess. We are going to provide you with a perfect guide for learning to play chess. There are also many types of playing chess on the basis of time. They are rapid, blitz, bullet and daily. We hope that you will surely learn to play chess after reading this full article.

Before getting started you may need a chess set, to understand the basics provided in this article. Here are some of the recommend chess sets in or

So let’s get started……….

Is chess an easy game?

Yes, truly chess is an easy game. But it depends fully on you that whether it’s easy or not. Your level of determination and the effort you put will decide it’s easy or not. We believe that it will become easy after reading our whole article. The only thing you need to have is patience. Keep calm and go ahead.

What are the basics of chess?

The basics of chess are very simple and brief. The basics are that we need to know which piece moves how much including some exceptions. So, here are the basics:-

  • Pawn – it has the least value of all pieces i.e., 1. But it can be very useful at the time of endgames as it can be promoted to a more important piece. At its starting position, it can move one or two squares but after that only one square. It can capture pieces diagonally one square.
  • Knight – it has the value of 3. It is very useful to launch forks and double attacks. It moves and captures two and a half squares.
  • Bishop – it has the value of 3 as it is in the knight. It is very useful in making after important pieces pin. It is the most powerful at the longest diagonals of the board. It moves and captures diagonally.
  • Rook – it has value of 5. It also has the ability of pinning. It moves and captures on the horizontal and vertical squares around it. It is very useful to make discovered attacks at the time of endgames and also in castling.
  • Queen – it has the value of 9. It is the sum of a rook and bishop. It holds the capability of most of the features of all other pieces. It is the most powerful piece in the game.
  • King – it is worth the whole game. It moves and captures one square on all sides. When it has no safe squares to go, then it’s called a checkmate and the game is over.

How do you play chess step by step?

Chess is fully a game of practice. So, you need to practice every day – at least two matches per day. You have learnt the basics and go through it daily. Also, maintain the strategies given below:-

  • Move with a purpose
  • Play for the centre
  • Advance both the centre pawns
  • Develop all the pieces
  • Castle early
  • Answer all threats
  • Look for double attacks
  • Make a plan
  • Take the initiative
  • Control open lines
  • Simplify when ahead
  • Play for mate

These are some rules to play chess effectively. There are some recorded moves played at the beginning commonly known as the openings. Here are some of the openings played by players of all levels:-

  • The Italian Opening – this is an opening for white started by the following moves. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4……….
  • The Sicilian Defence – this is an opening for black started by the following moves. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6………..
  • The Spanish/Ruy Lopez Opening:- this is an opening for white started by the following moves. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5……….
  • The Petrov’s Defence – – this is an opening for black started by the following moves. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6…………

We would recommend you to follow the 20, 40, 40 rule that means give your 20% effort on openings, 40% on middle games and 40% on endgames.

How can I win chess faster?

Practice and analysing the present situation of the board will help you win faster. Wait for even the smallest mistake made by your opponent and the moment he does so, grab the opportunity and take the advantage over it. Just don’t be over confident and believe on your moves.

What is the most important chess piece?

The king is the most important chess piece as it is worth the whole game. But it does not have so much of power and abilities that the queen has. In fact the queen stays above all other piece except the king.

Does chess increase intelligence?

Yes, of course chess increase intelligence. The thinking and imagination of the next moves helps very much in increasing intelligence. The counting of the values of an opponent that he / she is leading is also a great source of benefits.

What are the benefits of playing chess?

There is a huge source of benefits that chess provides. For example it increases intelligence, develops the ability to think, acts as a thing to spend time with, increases memory power and so on.

Congratulations! You are now ready to rock.

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